Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Magic of Time

I've had my fair share of heartbreak. From being taken to the opposite end of the country away from my dad as a child, to losing some of the closest people to me, to being lied to and cheated on by people I thought were the love of my life - I've been there.

There were times that I never thought I'd make it through the pain. The daily struggle to drag myself out of bed and do the things I knew I had to do. It was just, hard.

People say that you just have to move on. Easy to say when you aren't feeling that crushing heartache, the one that feels like a dumper truck just emptied a tonne of dirt onto your shoulders, "Don't look back, you're not going that way". Thanks. Very f**king useful.

Day by day you try to distract yourself with any menial and meaningless thing that you can. Cleaning, tidying, reading a book, taking up a new hobby. Been there, tried that.

You wake in the night with your heart pounding, in a cold sweat, and the pain washes over you again. More pain. New pain. Fresh pain. Will it ever end?

But it does end.

I learned a very good lesson; that to overcome the pain, you have to put your big girl pants on and look it straight in the eye. Confront it and refuse to be beaten. Don't let the voices inside you grind you down, because you are better, you deserve better, and there is a big and exciting life out there just waiting for you to grab it with both hands and claim it all for yourself.

Day by day, the pain weakened. It was still there in the back of my mind, but after this epiphany, I could see past it. Don't get me wrong, there are still days where if I think about it too hard, I could slip backwards and be all-consumed again. The trick is to not let this happen.

It's such an old cliche but time really does heal. You can't rush a mending heart, no matter what the cause of the pain is. Allow yourself that time, indulge in a wallow and be ridiculously selfish and self-pitying, because from this you'll be able to step on forward and let time work its magic.

To coin a phrase, you'll rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

L xx


  1. Completely agree with this post - you cannot let your pain consume you and you're right, you gotta get to it!

    I know no one wants to hear it but time really is the greatest of healers!

    Blogger & The Geek

  2. I have to admit, I didn't want to hear it at the time but looking back it was right. Doesn't make it any easier at the time though!
    L xx
