Friday 25 March 2016

Marigold Latex Free Disposable Gloves

I feel like all I do is complain about my skin. Eczema this, eczema that. Anyone else living with it will completely understand where I am coming from! But it's more than just sore skin, because every day life can cause some serious discomfort, and one of the main culprits is cooking.I love cooking. I experiment with food all of the time and particularly love making curries and spicy dishes. Garlic, onion and chilli are very frequently used ingredients in our house!

The ingredients can not only leave my irritated skin sore, they also leave a less than pleasant aroma afterwards. No amount of hand washing (again, ouch for my poor hands) will shift it, and trust me three day old garlic on your fingers is not what you want to be smelling when you've had a couple of glasses of wine on a Friday and your two year old insists on waking you through the night.

Handling different ingredients such as raw meat is also a major thing. I love meat but I hate touching it when it's not cooked, and of course you also need to repeatedly wash your hands for hygiene purposes.

All in all, cooking is not good for my skin!

Wearing disposable gloves whilst cooking was brought into the limelight somewhat by the gorgeous Nigella Lawson recently (I love that woman, and hope I look half as good when I'm her age), and it's got people talking. Suddenly, it's acceptable not to want your hands to smell of what you made for dinner two days ago, and not to want your fingers stained brown by raw potatoes.

But as usual, my eczema and latex allergy was going to get in the way. Until Marigold cleverly designed some latex free disposable gloves that is!

These gloves are perfect. It doesn't really feel like you're wearing gloves (unless you look down and realise that your hands are covered in blue glove of course), and even when wet they offer great grip - better than bare hands.

They are pretty resilient; my clumsy chopping didn't snag them even with my new and crazily sharp knives, and I could also cut down on the amount of times I needed to wash my hands - so my hands have actually started to improve pretty dramatically over the last couple of weeks!

What's more, Mr W has nasty asthma and gloves could actually interfere with this (due to a powder that they are often coated with) - but the clever people at Marigold have made these from something that won't pose any threat whatsoever. I'll be honest, I don't really understand the sciency stuff, but I can cook to my heart's content, confident in the knowledge that we are all completely safe. And that is a nice feeling!

These fantastic little gloves come in packs of 40 for £4.99, from Amazon, Asda, Ocado & Wilko, and are just what I've been looking for!

I'd absolutely recommend these - I've even used them whilst brushing my dogs and polishing shoes - and would love to know what you think.

L xx

Disclaimer: I was sent these gloves for free, for me to use and write a review based on my experience. I was not paid to write this review, and the words and opinions are entirely mine.

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