Wednesday 9 March 2016

Five ways to feel good

We've all woken up with the Monday morning blues. Whether you work or not, love your job or hate it, no one can feel 100% happy, 100% of the time.

Here's five ways I beat those blues, leaving me free to enjoy the rest of my day - life's for living!!

L xx

Five ways to feel good

1. Cuddle

Cuddling has been scientifically proven to make you feel good. It can relieve stress, help to reduce pain, and is pretty enjoyable too. So whether it's your partner, child, pet or a friend - get cuddling and you'll start to feel better in no time.

2. Go for a run

Ok, ok. So running might be the last thing on your mind - but exercise releases endorphins which make you feel happier and better! And it doesn't have to be a run. It could be swimming, a brisk walk, even dancing to the radio if that's what you like! Just get moving and your body will do the rest.

3. Have a happy breakfast

Low blood sugar can make you feel rotten. Not just nauseous and dizzy, but emotionally low too. The worst thing to do is to reach for something sugary for a quick fix, because that temporary euphoric sugar high will be followed by a slump that will make you feel even worse, and also reduce your productivity. Why not try wholemeal toast and a banana, or ricecakes topped with mashed avocado? Perhaps a sliced apple dipped in peanut butter, or even a jacket potato topped with some natural yogurt and homemade salsa. These types of breakfast will boost your blood sugar, which will improve your mood, but also keep your body energised and help to carry you through the morning until lunch.

4. Get your groove on

Upbeat music that brings out your inner karaoke king/queen will get your blood pumping and release those wonderful feel good hormones. Having a good sing-song whilst you get dressed, and listening to something cheery on the way to school, work or just whilst you go about your daily routine, will help to put you in a good place mentally - ready to take on the day!

5. Make a list

I am a huge fan of lists. They make sure I am always in control because I have a definitive record of all the things that require my attention - the theory being that I won't forget anything. I also carry around a list of reasons that I should be happy, and grateful. Sometimes I get a down feeling that I can't shake, and I need to remind myself of all the amazing things and people in my life. I read the list and find myself smiling, and realising that nothing is too much - with all those things to be happy about I am unstoppable. Take the time to write that list and you might just surprise yourself!

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