Sunday 20 March 2016

Cruelty free, dairy free - an eczema update

On the back of my recent post on Living With Eczema, I did promise an update on my progress!

So far, I have cut out dairy (almost entirely) and have also scrapped every artificial toiletry I possibly can.

As a big cruelty free fanatic, the majority of products that I use are entirely natural, and I have just discovered the wonder of oils - on my face I am currently using a special oil blend as a cleanser and moisturiser (blog post to follow on that bad boy) and it's honestly working miracles.

I have a particularly nasty flare up on my face at the moment that has been there since November. Nothing has worked for it! I have been prescribed steroids, antibiotics, anti-fungal creams, natural yogurt... You name it, my doctor has recommended slapping it on my face.

And yet just a few days of using this natural oil, and the flare has calmed considerably. It's still there, granted, but nothing like it was.

With regard to the dairy side - I am using soya milk which is pretty gross but as I drink a LOT of milk usually, I am seeing huge benefits. I am also a massive cheese fan, and haven't been able to completely cut this out. But what I can tell you is that cheese is actually very low in lactose (which is what I suffer with an intolerance of), and most of it is drained away in the whey as part of the cheese-making process. So this, combined with cutting right back on my cheese intake, means my skin is much better.

In short - much less red, much less angry. The current flare is still there, but is much better than it was. My skin is still extremely dry and is prone to cracking and becoming irritated by the slightest thing, and I am looking to work with brands who make natural, cruelty free products so that I can get into a decent skincare regime that will help to keep my skin happy and then share this knowledge with others like me.

Would you like to work with me? Or perhaps you have an eczema story of your own to share? I'd love to hear from you.

L xx


  1. I've had eczema for about eight years now and I have tried so many creams and prescription ointments but the only one that works is Protopic!

    I've also cut out gluten and dairy and neither helped me :( Thankfully it's been non-existent for almost a month now but I've no idea why! x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

    1. Frustrating isn't it? I do find that cutting out as much dairy as I can helps, but any and everything irritates my skin including the weather and even certain materials.

      It's a long old battle but I'm finding ways to deal with it slowly...

      Enjoy your eczema-free time, hopefully it'll stay away!

      L xx
