Monday 21 March 2016

The Husband's Secret - Liane Moriarty

A tale of haunting pasts, betrayal, lies and hurt - this book was 402 pages of sheer brilliance.

Set in Sydney, Australia, the book explores the intertwined lives of a number of residents who grew up together, moved apart, had families, and whose paths cross again through different twists of fate - only with a terrible secret lurking somewhere in the middle.

Everyone is living their own life - Cecilia the terrible efficient mother of three, the it girl. Tess the woman whose husband confesses to being in love with the cousin who has been like a twin sister. Rachel whose daughter was brutally murdered when they were all teenagers.

And then Cecilia finds a letter that will make her perfect life crash at full speed, pulling the strands of everyone's intertwined stories with it.

This book is exceptionally well written - I was engrossed from the start and had vivid images in my head of every single character. There's the bad boy, the eccentric older woman, the good looking heart breaker and plenty more too. All wonderfully described so that you feel like they're sat in the room with you.

Every twist and turn in the plot blew my mind, I couldn't put the book down! Cue several long nights and difficult mornings as I stayed up way past my bedtime, unable to pause for fear of not knowing what the next twist would be.

This book would be perfect to take on holiday with you - I'd have loved to be laid in the sunshine, sipping a cocktail and unspooling this story page by page. Alas, I was in bed wearing a fleecy onesie and guzzling hot chocolate - such is life!

A fantastic read, one I'd definitely recommend and I'll be searching out other books by Liane Moriarty.

L xx


  1. I've read What Alice Forgot and loved that - I might give this one a try!

  2. Ha! Totally loved the bit about you reading this book in your onesie and sipping hot chocolate. Totally made me snort and chuckle.

    But, seriously I love books like these where it leaves you hanging. Will need to check it out and see if I can download it onto my kindle. I am in dire need for moar good reads this year. Attempting to read more each month! Thanks for the suggestion.
