Tuesday 12 April 2016

Roasted Rhubarb

Rhubarb is technically in season in May here in the UK - but my plant is already flourishing in my back garden!

I absolutely love rhubarb. It is an ideal ingredient for both savoury or sweet dishes, and you can really dress it up or down. One of my favourite, most simple ways to prepare it, is simply to roast it.

After roasting try adding it to a feta salad, or combining with whipped cream and grated stem ginger (the balls in syrup work best). It's tasty as a snack on its own, and also adds an interesting note to stir fries; chinese five spice complements rhubarb surprisingly well!

L xx


  1. Preheat the oven to 200c.
  2. Trim the leaves and the white stalky end from the rhubarb, then cut into batons around 4 inches long.
  3. Wash thoroughly.
  4. Spread the batons in a small roasting tin, add a few tablespoons of water (just a covering in the bottom of the tin, no real depth), and sprinkle sugar over the rhubarb.
  5. Drizzle with a small amount of grenadine, and cover the tray with foil.
  6. Roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes, until a sharp knife will easily slide into the batons.
  7. Cool and enjoy!

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