Thursday, 31 March 2016

Beauty Kitchen - Abyssinian Oil Handbag Beauty Balm

As part of my cruelty free project, I've been working with the amazing Beauty Kitchen - a British company making incredible, natural products that smell divine.

The third product that I tried was this Abyssinian Handbag Beauty Balm. A small glass jar that I keep in my handbag for use "as required". And boy does my skin require it!
I found that a little of this delightful smelling balm goes a very, very long way - so this small jar would last even a heavy user like me a good long while! And the uses are many..,. according to Beauty Kitchen's founder Jo-Anne, "it smells amazing and can be used as a cleanser, moisturiser, lip balm, dry bits balm and can even be used to shape your eyebrows".

Living with eczema, I have plenty of dry bits that can pop up without a moment's notice. These can quickly turn red and angry, but by applying this balm as soon as I noticed them, they calmed down right away. I also always have very sore patches on my hands, and again this balm calmed them and soothed the soreness - they've almost disappeared now.

Yet again Beauty Kitchen, a stellar product that I absolutely love! I've had some great results with it, and I'm desperate to try out some more products from their incredible range, I can;t recommend it enough.

You can find this fantastic pot of wonder at their store in Glasgow (117 Saltmarket) 

L xx

A note from Beauty Kitchen

Your multi-purpose miracle for all skin types. 

This multi-purpose miracle balm can be used as a rich cleanser, gentle exfoliant or deeply nourishing balm to quench areas of dry or dehydrated skin. The exceptionally high levels of potent oils are proven to help repair, firm, smooth, decongest and enrich the skin, restoring its natural radiance.

Key ingredients (100% natural, always): 

Abyssinian Oil - is a turbo charged version of Argan Oil. A light, non-greasy oil that will hydrate the skin in seconds. Rich in omega 3, it also helps to promote smooth and radiant skin. Cocoa Butter – The perfect ingredient for sensitive skin, cocoa butter acts as a defence from environmental effects as well as tackling very dry skin. Absorbed in seconds leaving skin soothed and hydrated.


This cute glass jar can be reused or recycled.

Disclaimer: I was sent this product for free, for me to use and write a review based on my experience. I was not paid to write this review, and the words and opinions are entirely mine.


  1. A Glaswegian-based multi-use beauty product? That is the dream!

  2. You knows it! Honestly can't recommend Beauty Kitchen enough, please check them out :)

    L xx

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