Monday 12 December 2016

Warrior Parents

What is a label? Well according to the Oxford Dictionary, it's "a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive". True story bro.

So let's consider the label... Single parent.

Single parents get so much bad press. The children aren't properly cared for, young single mums are alcoholic smokers with loose morals that live on benefits, single dads don't pay for their kids... It's ridiculous.

I know a number of single parents. I'm one myself. I'm lucky enough to call some of them my friends. And let's just make this abundantly clear immediately - the bad press does not apply.

Single parents are the ones that wear two hats at the same time. They are the ones staying up long past bedtime to get everything done. They are the ones giving up things for themselves in order to provide for their children. They are the ones restricting their social lives and potential relationships for the best interests of their babies.

Some single parents are lucky enough to be a team of two - myself included. I share custody of my girls 50/50, and this is both amazing and painful at the same time. Half of the week I don't get to see those two beautiful faces, and clean up their messes, and kiss them goodnight. Half of the week my babies spend time with their daddies, who love them just as much and take care of them and ensure their emotional well being.

Other single parents are totally solo. And these are the ones I especially admire. To fulfil the role of two parents simultaneously, 100 percent of the time, is worthy of canonisation. I'm in awe of these people.

But when you look at this bigger picture, and you dig deeper below the surface, what do you really see? You see dedicated people giving their heart and soul to their babies, building a new type of family, protecting it with a love fiercer than you could imagine.

We single parents are a tribe.  A new breed if you will. And we don't deserve a "label" in the Oxford Dictionary sense of the word.

Here's another definition. Warrior - "a brave or experienced soldier or fighter".

We are Warrior Parents. The bravery to go it alone, the courage to keep going, the strength to keep it all together. Warriors are celebrated, respected, honoured. And so we should be too.

Hands up Warrior Parents - this tribe is going global.

L xx

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