Friday 1 May 2015

Don't cry, we're all just mums.

I'm tired of reading blogs written by perfect mums, who juggle a high flying career with a model house, entertaining numerous guests with flawless haute cuisine. dressing their model babies in designer clothes and never a single hair out of place.

Oh it's not difficult, it's all in the preparation. Oh this? I just knocked it up while Marmaduke was at baby yoga. Haha darling, I wear heels all the time - wouldn't want my husband to see me in a state!

My house is always clean, but it's never tidy. I bleach my toilets daily and I can't bear to have a dirty kitchen, but there is always a plethora of baby toys strewn about the place, there is invariably my husband's lists found on every available surface (yep, he's a list fanatic), the older child leaves me beautiful notes telling me how much she loves me, and stickers from school for fantastic work are stuck on anything that doesn't move. There are muddy footprints in my hallway, fingerprints on my walls, piles of school letters on top of the microwave in the kitchen, and a stack of assorted hats, scarves, odd gloves and plenty of dust on top of our coat rack.

I cook a proper homemade dinner every night, but it's usually fairly simple. There will be meat and vegetables, but unless I've had time to fill my slow cooker at 6am whilst walking two dogs, feeding two small children, filling in reading diaries and packing nappy bags, somehow finding time to shower myself and dress the children... it's always something that cooks in thirty minutes or less, to allow us to get home at 6pm and eat as a family before the children are bathed and put to bed.

I usually look like a slightly polished pile of crap. My hair is ordinarily washed and brushed, and I always wear clean clothes to work. But my makeup is minimal (difficult to apply much with the distraction of the youngest emptying drawers, riding the dogs and trying to eat anything that isn't nailed down. Including the things that are nailed down...), and my hair is either up or down. There is no fancy in between. At the weekend, I often look like some sort of washer woman - no makeup and hair strewn all over, scruffy clothes and a wide eyed stare as I desperately try to catch up with at least five loads of washing & ironing, clean my house from top to bottom, get homework sorted and shoes cleaned, and somehow fit in some sort of family activities.

My husband has been known to say things such as "I prefer you without makeup anyway" and "heels don't really do anything for me". Now this is partly because he is only an inch taller than me, but mostly because he probably doesn't dare poke the scary hormonal beast that lurks within me at all times. At 14 months old, our youngest has only recently started sleeping at night (wasn't that a truly magical first year?!) and I'm still trying to catch up with myself, on top of us having a baby, moving house twice, buying a house, me starting a new job and us getting married all in 2014. Yep, quite a crazy time.

So don't feel inadequate when you see or read about these yummy mummies that seem to glide through life in their immaculate power suits and Christian Louboutins, with perfectly clean babies that do yoga and have life consultants. It's not normal and it's certainly not what you should be aiming for.

I live for my babies, I spend time with them, we make mess, we laugh til it hurts, you'll find their fingerprints on my french doors as well as my heart, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

L xx

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