Monday 6 February 2017

What She Really Wants

Ok, ok, so for some of you this is going to be so obvious. Like, of course that's what a girl really wants. For others - not so much. And trust me, I learned that lesson the hard way in my previous life.

Here's the thing - relationships aren't all about the "stuff". The dates, the gifts, the grand gestures. Sure it can be wonderful to be treated from time to time, but all the time? No thanks.

Someone once remarked that I'm too modern in my approach - I don't like things to be paid for, for me. I like to split restaurant bills, or at least take it in turns. I like to share costs of days out and trips away. I don't expect anyone to fund my enjoyment.

Of course I'm speaking for myself, and there are plenty of people out there that just love to be fawned on. The ones that expect the fancy dinners and plush hotels, the Tiffany boxes for birthdays and champagne on demand.

For me, it's all about long walks in the country side, watching a film with a bottle of wine, spending time with the person I love. Building a relationship on a solid foundation rather than a charade of expensive gestures.

In the past, this quality time was non-existent, and in its place I was showered with expensive gifts and five star hotels. And the result? Hurt and confusion, and ultimately ending up alone. Because you can't build a relationship on "stuff".

What she really wants, is just you. And if she doesn't, she's not the one for you.

L xx

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