Monday, 29 February 2016

Chinese Salt & Pepper Chips

One of my biggest weaknesses is Chinese takeaway. Every so often I get a huge craving for it, as does Mr W, and all of our healthy eating ideals go straight out of the window as we stuff our faces like demented people. And then comes the guilt. Diet failure. Feeling the pounds piling on as we sit there with leftover sauce around our mouths and meat sweats. It's a highly attractive image.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Penleys - Richmond

A few weeks ago I was treated to a delicious meal out with friends at a local cafe/bistro, Penleys, in our local town of Richmond. It's one of two, with its sister restaurant being in nearby Leyburn, and I was a little nervous because having taken a look on TripAdvisor, it had some very mixed reviews.

An early midlife crisis

Has anyone else experienced an early midlife crisis, or is it just me?

A healthy kebab fix

I've somehow (ok, I know how *snaffles cake*) managed to pile on three stone in the last two years. I thought I was fine with it, but just recently I have been feeling rather like a baby rhino trying to get into a slim woman's clothes - it's just not working. I feel heavy and a bit gross, so have decided to start eating healthily (with the odd treat thrown in of course) and be more active, to lose a little of this weight. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel like I have to, I'm doing it for me - because I want to.